Terms of Use

1. Liability for content:
In accordance with the Teleservice Act, Hornung OSP (owner Ottmar Hornung), as content provider, is responsible for its own content, which it makes available, in accordance with general laws. We compiled the content of our pages with the utmost care for the benefit of our website visitors and customers.

2. Copyright and trademark law:
All product descriptions, registered company and product names, as well as their logos, registered trademarks and domains mentioned or shown on this website are the protected property of their respective owners.

3. External Links:
In accordance with § 8 of the Teleservice Act Hornung OSP is, as content provider, responsible for its “own content”, which it makes available, in accordance with general laws. This content has to be distinguished from cross-references ("links") to content that is made available by other providers. Via these links, Hornung OSP provides also "external content" for use, which is identified in this way: external link
Advertising links and advertisements are identified by a notice in their immediate vicinity.

"Links" (external link) (external link) and advertisements are always "living" (dynamic) references. Upon creation of the initial link, Hornung OSP has checked the external content to establish whether it causes any liability in terms of civil or criminal law. The content to which the site refers is however not constantly checked without concrete evidence on changes that could give rise to any such liability. If Hornung OSP finds out or is informed by others that a specific offer to which it has provided a link, causes any form of liability in terms of civil or criminal law, the reference to this offer will be removed with immediate effect.

Hornung OSP has no control over the design and content of external sites. The content of linked pages is the exclusive responsibility of their operators.